How to Make French Press Coffee

How to Make French Press Coffee

The French press brewing method has been used for over 90 years, and for good reason. The simplicity of the coffee pot, plunger, and top make it easy to use while also producing great-tasting coffee.

Read on for a step-by-step guide to making French press coffee, so you can try this effective brewing method for yourself!

1. Grind Your Coffee on a Coarse Setting

With drip brewing methods, water flows down through the coffee grounds just once. Meanwhile, with a French press, the grounds are fully immersed in water for four to five minutes. As a result, the liquid has much more time to extract the compounds that provide the coffee flavor. To account for this, it’s best to use a coarse setting when grinding your coffee (or purchasing coarse pre-ground coffee beans).

2. Measure Out the Coffee and Water

After grinding your coffee beans, measure out the amount of coffee grounds and water you’ll need for brewing. For a simple rule of thumb, use a ratio of two tablespoons of coffee grounds per six ounces of water. However, for a more exact measurement, opt for ½ ounces of coffee per eight ounces of water. Weighing the grounds is more precise because coffee beans vary in density; however, convenience is often preferable to precision.

When using a French press, the amount of water is dictated by the size of the press’s carafe. To determine the correct measurement of grounds to use, check how much water the carafe holds and use the ratio to calculate how much coffee you’ll need. Once you’ve measured your grounds, place them into the bottom of the carafe.

3. Bring Your Water to a Boil

Next, you’ll need to heat your water in a kettle. While there are a variety of kettle options you can use, a whistling kettle is the most effective, as it makes a distinct whistling noise when the water is ready. Additionally, its spout is well-designed for use with a French press.

While a gooseneck kettle’s narrow spout is helpful when making pour-over coffee, the French press method doesn’t require the same pouring precision. Instead, speed is more important, as a slow pour would allow the water to cool off too much before it reaches the coffee grounds. Therefore, the basic spout of a whistling kettle is the most effective option.

When your water reaches a boil, let it sit for 30 seconds before pouring, allowing it to cool slightly. This will bring the water to about 205 degrees Fahrenheit – the ideal temperature for making coffee. Anything cooler than this will result in an incomplete brew.

4. Pour the Water

After allowing the water to stand for 30 seconds, pour it into the carafe. Keep in mind that how quickly you pour it will depend on the age of your coffee grounds. If your beans were roasted more than two months ago, you can fill the French press’s carafe right away without worry. However, if your coffee is less than two months old, the beans will give off carbon dioxide when they get wet, which can interfere with the brewing process.

To counteract this issue, dampen the grounds first and let them sit for about 40 seconds. Then, fill up the French press with the rest of the water. This process is called letting the coffee “bloom,” and allows the carbon dioxide to escape before actually brewing.

5. Let Rest and Plunge

Once you’ve poured the water into your carafe, your coffee will be ready to brew. Simply cover the French press with its top and let the brew sit for four minutes. Then, press the plunger down and pour. Just like that, you’ll have delicious coffee in your mug, ready to be enjoyed!

Enhance Your Morning Cup of Coffee with the Right Supplies

Ready to enjoy the simplicity of the French press brewing method? Café Brew is here to help. We have a wide selection of high-quality coffee supplies at affordable prices, including glass coffee pots, single-cup coffee filters, coffee filter baskets, reusable coffee filters, and so much more. Plus, should you need to fix your existing brewing setup, we also offer a variety of replacement coffee pot parts!

For more information about our products, contact us today!

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